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Community Support Program

In the light of the current challenging financial crisis, S.O.M.A 2024 offers the chance for communal support, where you are able to donate or benefit from a small push.



You can donate whether you are participating or not. Any amount, no matter how small, is helpful and will be added to other donations. The final sum will be spread equally among individuals with limited financial resources who are challenged to join.

If you would like to donate please write to us.


Sliding scale fees

S.o.M.A. 2024 offers a wide range of sliding scale for participation in all its events, including weekly classes and intensive workshops.

Please take a moment to reflect as you decide on where you best fit.


REGULAR pass: For employed individuals who are meeting their basic needs, and have a small margin of expendable income.

REDUCED pass: For under-employed, unemployed individuals, and students. 4 spots available for all weekly classes and both intensive camps.

SUPPORT pass: For the financially stable and/or abundant who may not need to work full time. Your support pass contributes to giving access to other financially challenged members of the community to attend at a lower rate.


Check pass rates here.



Helpers system

Participants in the camps who will benefit from the financial support will in exchange participate as Helpers. Helpers must attend the entirety of one of the two weekends (Dance-Scapes Intensive or Contact Camp) in exchange for pre-determined tasks on location and between workshops times. 

Tasks will include pre-camp, on location, and post-camp logistics and help. Parking organization & guidance of participants upon arrival, Carpooling and pick ups, Cleaning of WCs, Showers & Dance studio, Cooking & Food court set up, Set up and Break Camp logistics, Drivers with cars for production & emergencies, Certified First aid assistance, Photography & Videography of the whole festival, Archiving, among other tasks... 

Helpers are required to attend the full weekend and are asked to be available one day before and after camp. We will have a Helpers team meeting prior to camp (Dates and other details to be communicated closer to the camp date).


This year, We offer 8 helper spots  for the Dance-Sacpes* Intensive and 8 helper spots for Contact Camp*. Priority goes to students, Dance and theatre students, artists and currently unemployed individuals.


*Deadline for application June 15th,2024



If this is something that can ease your challenge, please do not hesitate to write to us explaining your situation and what you can help with and offer in exchange.  




L'atelierCor, 2025

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